The Journal of Educational Research and Public Policy (JERPP) is a biannual publication that engages a blind peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of scholarly integrity. JERPP is dedicated to disseminating original, research-based articles, analytical perspectives, detailed case studies, and comprehensive book reviews covering a wide range of topics relevant to education and public policy. The author should adhere to APA style guidelines when writing the paper. Below are general guidelines for prospective contributors.
1. Manuscripts should ideally contain between 5,000 and 6,000 words. Authors are required to submit manuscripts via only email as a soft copy. The cover page should only contain the title of the paper, the names of the authors, their precise titles, official addresses, email addresses, and contact numbers.
2. Manuscripts must be typed exclusively in Times New Roman font.
3. Article Title: This should be centered, bold, with font-size: 14.
4. Author’s Names: These should be centred and typed in normal style with a font size of 12.
5. Author’s Affiliations & Email: This information should also be centred, formatted in normal style, and set to a font size of 11.
6. Abstract: Each manuscript must include an abstract. Label the term "Abstract" in bold with a font size of 12. The abstract itself should be between 200 and 250 words, written in italic, and set to a font size of 11. Keywords of the abstract should be typed in bold and italics, with font-size of 11.
7. Headings
- Level-1 Headings: The headings should be centred, bold, and be typed in combinations of
uppercase and lowercase with font-size of 12. - Level-2 Headings (sub headings): These should start from margins and be typed in combinations of uppercase and lowercase, bold, with font-size of 11.
- Level-3 Headings (sub-sub headings): These should start from margins and be typed in bold, with font-size of 10.Body Text: The body-text should be normal, with font-size of 11.
8. Tables and Figures-: Table and Figure headings should be in bold, with font-size of 11.
9. Footnotes: This should be in italics, with font- size of 11
10. References: The references should be typed in normal style with a font size of 10. The reference list
must include only those sources cited in the text or notes, and should also encompass other essential
sources that contribute to the understanding of the topic. The author's name in each reference should
match that in the original source.
- In the text, the references should appear as follows: Shourie (2019) has shown.... or Studies (Pourie 2021; Sethe, 2001) indicate...
- Journal references should be listed as follows: Gupta, P. C., (2022). “Education and
Innovation,” “Research and Action” 52(3), 22-29. - Books should be referred to as follows: Drucker, P. F., (2015). Entrepreneurship and Innovation, William Heinemann Ltd, London.
- References from Internet should be referred to as follows: Ridley, M., The evolution of everything:, January 2021;
For more than one publication by the same author, list them in chronological order, with the older item first. For more than one publication in one year by the same author, use small (lower case) letters to distinguish them (e.g., 2022a, 20220b).
11. Numerals should be used one to twelve in words, thirteen and above in figures, unless the reference is to percentages (11percent), distance (8 km), or age (11years old).
12. No stop should be used after abbreviations (PWC, UNO), but should be used after initials (C.T. Horngren).
13. Inverted commas (double quotes) should be used throughout. The use of single quotes is to be restricted for use within doubles quotes, e.g., “According to Bard, the ‘domestic production’ is today....” Quotations that exceed 45 words should be separated from the text with a line space above and below and indented on the left. Ensure that these quotes are transcribed exactly as they appear in the original source, without modification. Additionally, provide accurate page numbers from the original publication for reference.
14. Capitalisation should be kept to the minimum and should be consistent.
15. Manuscripts not selected for publication will not be returned. Authors must certify that their submissions are original, have not been published previously, nor are they under consideration for publication elsewhere.
16. Each manuscript submitted for publication is assigned a unique number. Authors must give reference this number in all correspondence related to their submission.
17. Manuscripts and all correspondence should be mailed to -
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. (Dr.) Manindra N. Nayak
Email: ,
Mobile: 91-9437058892, 91-9337591611